As an event organizer, these pins are something I use at tournaments all the time! Either as something I give out to kids when they are feeling a bit down to help brighten their mood. Or as a little bonus that prize winners can select.
You can also use these pins as rewards to club members who are new and fast progressing! Or feel like being a bit edgy? Give your 5 kyu opponent a 30 kyu pin before your match!
Want to honor someone's teaching efforts? Give them a "The Sensei" pin they can wear at club meetings while teaching new players.
What sorts of ways will you use these?
- 1.5 inches in diameter (or width)
- locking back of pin (hiding point)
Discounts (at checkout)
Buy 10 for 10% off
Buy 50 for 20% off
Buy 100 for 30% off