In 2021 we had a huge Spring Cleaning, as we had to clear out one of our warehouses in Japan. Instead of throwing away unsold inventory, we decided to find free homes for some of our Go Boards in a huge Easter Giveaway. You can read our blog post about it here. In 2022 we decided to continue the tradition, and you can read the update here.
All told, we've given away $7500 worth of equipment!
Boats and planes carried these boards around the world to their recipients, making the Go world just a bit richer. We didn't mind taking a loss on the gear itself, but we're seeking help from the community with the enormous shipping costs (we also ask players receiving the largest boards to contribute a portion of cost, if possible).
We hope to continue the tradition! If you'd like to be a part of buying a stranger a free Goban, simply add this item to your cart and complete Checkout.
You can use the Drop-Down Menu to select the amount you'd like to donate. We'll credit your purchase towards the shipping costs.
If you're looking for a Free Goban (currently out of stock) please subscribe to our newsletter.
Updates will be made each time we receive a donation or do a giveaway. Here's the nuts and bolts:
The Gear:
2021 Free Gobans awarded: 18 = $5000
2022 Free Gobans awarded: 5 = $1500 (so far)
2023 Free Gobans awarded: 1 = $300
2024 Free Gobans awarded: 1 = $500
Total Free Gear = $7500
Shipping Costs:
5 Table Boards: $254
11 Small Gobans: $862
8 Large Gobans: $2318
Total Shipping Costs = $3434
1st Year Pay-It-Forward donations: $680
1st Year recipients (5) paid $750 of their own Shipping fees
2nd Year Pay-It-Forward donations: $1275
2nd Year recipients (2) paid $380 of their own Shipping fees
3rd Year Pay-It-Forward donations: $0
3rd Year recipients (1) paid $50 of their own Shipping fees
4th Year Pay-It-Forward donations: $0
4th Year recipients (1) paid $100 of their own Shipping fees
Total Donations Received: $3235
Remaining to goal = $-199
Thank you to James, Evan, Paul, Tom, Nicholas, Timothy, Joseph, Eric, Solomon, Max, David, Douglas, Thomas, Jason, Anonymous, Jacob, and Nicolaus for your support!
This info last updated: May, 2024